Monday, January 12, 2009


I have been thinking alot lately about friends and this is what I came up with.My friends are my friends for a reason. Although sometimes I really do wonder what that reason is. I do know that none of them are alike. Some are young, some are older. Some are tall, some not so much. Some thin and some have more to love. Some are white, some are black, and some are purple with pink polka dots. Some are nice and some are just downright b*tches. Some make nice things for others, some make babies, and some just make do. Sometimes they make me laugh and sometimes I cry with them. They will tell me the truth no matter how much I would rather they lie. They are always there when I need them whether is to keep me from going over the edge or to give me that little nudge in the right direction. They are funny, crazy, silly, demented, stern, loving, and everything in between. With all of their differences there is a common thread amongst them all. They are all my friends and I love them just the way they are.

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