Friday, January 23, 2009

The "New" America

I have been sitting back and watching the "New" America evolve and truth be told it scares the hell out of me. In just 4 very short days I have seen this country become less secure, terrorists set free, millions of unborn children sent to the slaughterhouse, and seen the conservative ideals we hold so dear washed away. We no longer have any say in the governing of this country because groups like ACORN decided the most prudent route to get their way was to buy an election. I have seen change preached but the reality turned out to be nothing more then a remix of the Clinton administration. I have seen unity called for but only if you are a minority. I have been insulted by a Christian Minister during the benediction of the inauguration of the man who is supposed to be leading ALL of the people in this country just because of the color of my skin. I have seen the new president, who ran on a platform of bi-partisanship, tell the Republicans in congress that it doesn't matter if they like his ideas because "we" won. I know it has been a while since I took a civics class but is that really how checks and balances is supposed to work? I wonder what will become of the conservatives in this country in the next 4 years. Will we be hunted down and slaughtered like Witches in 17th century Massachusetts? Will there be anything left of us when the time comes that even the homeys on the street cannot fathom another 4 years of pure hell? Will our children and grandchildren really grow up thinking that having sex at 12 is OK because you can just murder your baby and move on to making your next victim? Will the Muslims and Mexican become the next carpetbaggers and pick the dead and decaying bones of what was once a country to be proud of? I would like the answers to all of these questions to be NO but I am afraid that I am just being naive. So I would like to thank you Mr. Obama for the destruction of what made this country great and the upcoming holocaust of the people who love it!


  1. i agree a million percent.

  2. One thing about the New America with this 'stimulus' package that is going to be shoved down our throats is that ACORN and groups like ACORN will be able to get money from this package.

    Right now, there really are no checks and balances as the Dems control everything, but I am hopeful that this will change in 2010. I only hope that when those elections are held, there are some true conservatives that are running for office, and not the spineless slop we have in office now.

    If you get a chance sometime, look at, or listen to the words of the song Honest Men by ELO part 2. I think of this song everytime we are in an election year, but right now, I am thinking of it more and more.
